Company infoDENAS MS Corporation from the very beginning of its activity had the noble goals: to get its own success, making the other people more successful and happy. The DENAS device - the domestic doctor has returned to many Russian families not only health, but also has given the financial well-being, has opened the door in a new sated and high-grade life. DENAS MS. Movement to a new lifeDenas MS Corporation is the leader among Russian companies, stable and reliable partner which causes admiration by changes of its development. We produce the high-quality goods for health, using the most advanced technologies and the last achievement of medicine and engineering idea. We give all necessary knowledge to the people who have decided to build their own prosperity, working with us and our production. We always strive for being the leader on the market of the goods for health, giving our clients a wide spectrum of production with the affordable prices. We help to solve problems of the people in the sphere of health and training, we derive pleasure from smiles and success of our clients. We strive for the unity of all involved in Corporation in a single team, in which professionalism, responsibility and devotion to the company are highly appreciated. We are proud of our success and the success of all the partners of Corporation. We give a new life, which gives health and confidence in tomorrow's day! The Device info The Due-range electric neuroadaptive stimulator (DENAS) was designed as a result of clinical trials and pilot tests in clinics of Moscow and Ekaterinburg. Modified specifications of the apparatus allow improvement of the efficiency of the result and elongation of the after-effect of treatment. The apparatus can be applied to both zones and points of acupressure with the help of a portable coaxial electrode which results in potentiation of self-regulating reactions of the human body. The new technological development of the corporation differs advantageously from its prototype by not only the design and ergonomic properties but its main difference is in improved parameters of the electric signal which copies to the maximum the endogenous neuron-like pulse with domination of the informational component which allows an increase in the effect of anti-stress reactions of training and activation. The apparatus principle of operations allows the diagnostics of the most efficient treatment zones, the apparatus is capable of helping each patient, at each disease, at each specific time interval (the duration of treatment is regulated as required by the human body). Due to the fact that each subsequent pulse provides a different effect as compared to the previous one, the non-dependence of the body on the operation of the apparatus is practically ensured. The apparatus influences positively on all mechanisms of the pathogenesis of distresses, ensures positive results at treating numerous diseases and syndromes without using drugs or reducing their amount significantly. The direct affect of physical and mechanical factors which possess a large reserve of kinetic enetgy of the heat (burns), chemical (burns) and allergic nature damaging the skin is eliminated. The general sanogenetic response of the body in three inter-related and inter-dependent regulatory systems of the human body - nervous, endocrine and immune -responsible for homeostasis and adaptation is modulated. During application of the short-pulse high-amplitude non-invasive stimulation of skin exteroreceptors a local reaction takes place, the flow of pulses via somatic and vegetative afferents (ascending nervous tracts) goes to spinal chord segments (segment reaction) and to the segments of the central nervous system (trunk, limbic reticular structures, hypothalamus, cortex of cerebrum). The general reaction is initiated. Due to the principle of somatotropy and viscerotopy in innervation of inner organs and surface of the body stimulation of skin zones (points) located within the given metamer or cerebrospinal segment, of trigger zones causes, first of all, reflex effects in organs of innervation and system reactions triggered from the given zone of treatment. Responses of the human body are based on complex nerve (axon-reflex, restoration of spinal-bulbar-thalamic and corticosub-cortical control; the important role in realization of integrated effects is given to periaqueductal grey substance, dorsal raphe nuclei, hypothalamic nuclei medialis, parafascicular complex of thalamus), neurohormonal and neurohumoral (transfer of optimized information by changing integrative continuum of neuropeptides, hormones and neurotransmitters in the biological continuum (table 1), also immune (table 2) mechanisms (Kassil G.K., 1975; Vograiik V.G., Vogralik M.V., 1978; Tykochinskaya E.D., 1979; Ignatov Yu.D., 1990; Garkavi LKh. and others, 1997;Chebkasov SA, Bereshpolova Yu.l., 2001). As the result of stimulation by the thoroughly selected information-energy electric pulse of certain skin zones following a certain technique it became possible to achieve the efficient recovering result at the level of the functional element of the tissue of any organ of the body just due to stabilization of the afferent flow of information and creation of the sanogenetic dominant (Ukhtomsky A.A., 1966). Preservation of the therapeutically created dominant for a long time results in liquidation of non-physiological diffused waves of excitation from stimuli of different modalities. Table 1
Table 2 Systems of Immune Protection (Kerekjarto M., 1970)
A functional element of the tissue is the ordered structural and functional microsystem which represents a set of nervous fibers with receptors; cell parenchymas; arterioles, precapillaries, capillaries, postcapillaries, venules, lymph capillaries, arteriolovenular anastomosises; connective tissue (A.M. Chernukh). These just functional elements of the tissue become final participants and "sufferers" in general damaging reactions and protecting compensatory processes. With the help of resistive and capacitive vessels, arteriovenous shunts and reserve capillaries functional elements of the tissue regulate the system and regional hemodynamics, transcapillary exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide and products of metabolism which ensures the energy sufficiency of the tissue cell composition and morphological (structural) stability. Using apparatus DENAS we achieve synchronization of integrative relationship between regulatory systems of the human body (due to local, segmental and general reactions) which results in mobilization of reserve functional elements of the tissue, recovery of the disturbed functional activity and, in some cases, restoration of morphologic integrity. (On materials of a site NetMarketing.ru) Principle
of action. The device reads information from the skin of the patient about internal body processes which is then processed by an electronic system and comes back through the skin as regulating electrical pulses of low power. These pulses are perceived by the patient’s nervous system and induce it to use its own internal reserves for reducing the patient’s electrical impulses back to normal. . The basic principle of action and differentiating characteristic is known in medicine as bio-feedback. Due to a feedback system DENAS works efficiently and individually with each person. Receiving feedback from the patient’s body regarding changes in its condition at a given moment, DENAS arranges the related pulses. DENAS reacts to illness even more productively and has diagnostic and medical components. The norm of the body’s condition is incorporated in the device’s memory, it informs about all deviations in the nervous system, which at once accepts the appropriate alterations- and the treatment without medicines begins! What do we usually call illness? The device is your true friend. You simply cannot imagine what a
friend this device can become. You can imagine it to the fullest
extent only when it becomes your family doctor, to which you will
turn in the most varied situations: the common cold, a toothache,
earache, children’s illnesses when it would not be desirable
to the hospital, trauma to the joints and swelling, accidental burns
or scalds with hot water, etc. Diseases in both children and
adults which can be treated by DENAS: Why DENAS
therapy? To rely not on medicines, but on
the human organism! Scientists believe that living an
average of 70 years, the average person has suffered from many of
acute diseases and often several chronic illnesses, a person uses
only 30 - 40 % of the body’s resources. How can one teach
people to become healthy? How can one help them to more fully involve
their internal resources to struggle with illnesses? To both of
these questions DENAS
therapy provides an answer.
DENAS is compatible with all possible kinds of treatment. Overdose is excluded, since there is a bio-feedback mechanism through which the device receives information from the pathological area. Once sufficient correction has been achieved, the device is automatically disconnected. .
Quality. What does the owner of the device
The unique nature of therapeutic possibilities of these apparatuses includes the following features which distinct them from any other currently known apparatuses:
Devices SCENAR 97.4 are made by company " RITM ". How To Use The 'DENAS' Device .
do we usually call illness?
The device is your true friend To rely not on medicines, but on the human organism! What does the owner of the device of DENAS get? DIFFERENCE